03 April . 2019
Katy ISD’s Miller Career & Technology Center offers specialized career programs
One of Katy ISD’s best-kept secrets is the Miller Career & Technology Center (MCTC), which offers specialized career and technology programs for students at several Katy ISD high schools, including Paetow High School, which serves Elyson.
Students have the opportunity to take specialized career and technology programs as well as core classes for half a day at MCTC, while continuing to attend their home high school campus the rest of the school day.
Operating in partnership with the business community and parents, MCTC prepares students to transition from high school to post-secondary and career success, providing rigorous, high quality, integrated academic training and pre-professional experiences in compliance with the latest and most demanding business standards.
Students can receive endorsement in several areas, including Business & Industry, Public Services and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math).
Business & Industry Course offerings include architecture, automotive technology, Cisco computer maintenance and internetworking technologies, culinary arts, digital audio, film, hospitality services, veterinary, and more.
Among the Public Service courses offered are cosmetology, criminal justice, education, health science, dental assisting, and pharmacy technology.
The STEM Practicum is a project-based course designed to allow students to apply STEM concepts and principles in a classroom and workplace environment.
Community members can help the talented, enthusiastic students at MCTC by dining at its Old Town Bistro Café, getting their cars serviced, enjoying a haircut or spa service, and pampering their pooch with a grooming.
All of these services are offered at great prices by students supervised by professional staff members. Students benefit, too, by getting to hone their skills and interact with clients.
MCTC was originally named Arthur Miller Career Center in honor of the lifelong contributions Arthur Oliver Miller made to the Katy schools and community. He held many offices over the years. In 1946, he was part of the first governing body of Katy, serving dually as city secretary and treasurer, then as mayor for 16 years. He was elected a municipal judge in 1979, serving for 10 years. As owner of the only auto dealership in Katy at the time, he donated trucks to the Katy High School FFA.
Learn more about the highly regarded Katy ISD schools serving Elyson.